WOULD (WOULD) on Ethereum ERC-20

Contract: 0x31aee28cec9380ba2457da78b55b83d870a2f095

WOULD (WOULD) is a cryptocurrency, deployed on Ethereum Blockchain (ERC-20)

Token Ethereum ERC-20
Deployed at

Nov-24-2024 20:30

Max Total Supply

10,000,000,000 WOULD

Circulating Supply

10,000,000,000 WOULD



Price and Market Stats

WOULD Liquidity: --/--
WOULD Price: --/--
Market Cap: --/--
Trading Volume 24h: --/--
Volume / Market Cap: --/--
Transactions 24h: --/--
24h Low / 24h High: --/--
7d Low / 7d High: --/--
All-Time High: --/--
All-Time Low: --/--
Changes for 24h: 0.00%
Changes for 7d: 0.00%
BitQuery Check: --/--

WOULD (WOULD) Coin data

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What is Ethereum?

Ethereum ERC-20 is a technical standard used for creating and issuing tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. It defines a set of rules, including how tokens are transferred, approved, and tracked. Most tokens on Ethereum, such as stablecoins and utility tokens, follow this standard, enabling interoperability across various wallets and decentralized applications (dApps). ERC-20 tokens have played a crucial role in the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi) and initial coin offerings (ICOs).

Smart Contract Audit

Is WOULD (WOULD) Token on Ethereum (ERC-20) Safe?



Address Tokens amount Percent
1 0x93f10b70923776d33c972d38034886b4aa531a8f 3,434,555,357 WOULD 34.35%
2 0xcb91c504cf054e0dbd8f2b588c65269bd9196fe2 291,983,449 WOULD 2.92%
3 0x83718b1c1988a79bb0cdea8becbe2f1cef90594a 261,890,781 WOULD 2.62%
4 0xb6c8eafb043593755ce843ac1135545556efd86d 250,971,682 WOULD 2.51%
5 0xa979265f088c6ee37693172c37f6667472986984 230,680,911 WOULD 2.31%
6 0xf3958be073af4c2207992fe521fbf605bab20dfb 211,981,037 WOULD 2.12%
7 0x02beb543f241d6233acc893ef8f4883923678e2b 201,477,826 WOULD 2.01%
8 0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045 200,000,000 WOULD 2.00%
9 0xeb5fe39bd9bb80148d38c2086deddab81e8762f6 181,425,064 WOULD 1.81%
10 0x8b343919d951e930940c97d8b35a34a57731b02e 174,905,189 WOULD 1.75%
11 0xdcf22192690d345d878ac2baff017474e36ebb0c 168,681,131 WOULD 1.69%
12 0xbd3eda84e4773231423440c0999dcbad8bf17b21 165,198,115 WOULD 1.65%
13 0x4a7671d14076d418300c433518816f6b0c1f705a 163,218,925 WOULD 1.63%
14 0x1a465713f7ddb67b529f6106c0b72b3e783943c1 159,851,135 WOULD 1.60%
15 0x52ab371b728a3eace9ee5c798501f557416a66ae 159,801,181 WOULD 1.60%
16 0x55e7f55e07a40fdbf37f76d75c60c96db8e19511 157,034,131 WOULD 1.57%
17 0x9dbfdadcb3ea96fd20f567d08c4434933d3be92a 152,403,396 WOULD 1.52%
18 0x50f65ff8c36ce275b3e7a76dd14727344a38fc6f 137,253,964 WOULD 1.37%
19 0x6f885dfab6520bd9bdc28a5a527e40daa625a770 130,105,816 WOULD 1.30%
20 0x25313316af58997cca17d568c9fbacf320af82ae 121,690,188 WOULD 1.22%

Listings and exchanges

Exchange Last price Listing date
ParaSwap Ethereum logo  ParaSwap Ethereum -- Jan-10-2025 18:19 GMT
Uniswap (V2) logo  Uniswap (V2) -- Jan-10-2025 18:19 GMT
Uniswap (V3) logo  Uniswap (V3) -- Jan-10-2025 18:19 GMT
Saddle logo  Saddle -- Jan-10-2025 18:19 GMT
Pionex logo  Pionex -- Jan-10-2025 18:19 GMT

Frequently asked questions

A single WOULD (WOULD) coin is currently available for purchase at around (updating).

The best way to purchase WOULD (WOULD) is through exchanges. Currently, 10 exchanges support buying and selling WOULD (WOULD): ParaSwap Ethereum, Uniswap (V2), Uniswap (V3), Saddle, Pionex.

WOULD (WOULD)'s official smart contract address is 0x31aee28cec9380ba2457da78b55b83d870a2f095

The market capitalization on Jan 10, 2025 is (updating).

There is (updating) in 1 WOULD (WOULD) liquidity pool. That's approximately 78.07% of WOULD (WOULD) current Market Cap.

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Here’s the latest WOULD (WOULD) price and other essential data about this cryptocurrency. At TheBitBorn.Com, we gather and offer valuable content, including the current exchange rate of 1 WOULD (WOULD) to USD, to help you make informed investment decisions and achieve positive results.

Everything You Need to Know About WOULD (WOULD)'s Price and Future Potential

Thanks to TheBitBorn.Com, you'll always be in the loop with the latest news. First off, you can easily check the current WOULD (WOULD) price, updated in real-time because we know how crucial it is to have the latest info at your fingertips. You can also dive into key metrics like market cap, which reflects the total value of all coins sold, the low/high value that shows the price range across exchanges, and volume, which captures the total daily trading value. With all this data, you'll never have to wonder, "What's WOULD (WOULD) worth?"—we've got it all covered for you!

If you're into WOULD (WOULD)'s price chart, we've got that too—just pick the timeframe (from a day to the maximum available) and get a complete overview of its price movements over that period. Plus, TheBitBorn.Com keeps you updated with the latest news on WOULD (WOULD)'s current rate, potential changes, future forecasts, and growth prospects. With us, you'll stay ahead of the curve in the WOULD (WOULD) market!