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Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN) on Ethereum ERC-20

Contract: 0xc2a3033495e724f95071816001bb25b31f6c7aa1

Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN) is a cryptocurrency, deployed on Ethereum Blockchain (ERC-20)

Token Ethereum ERC-20
Deployed at

Nov-29-2024 15:00

Max Total Supply

1,000,000,000 RAVEN

Circulating Supply

1,000,000,000 RAVEN



Price and Market Stats

RAVEN Liquidity: --/--
RAVEN Price: --/--
Market Cap: --/--
Trading Volume 24h: --/--
Volume / Market Cap: --/--
Transactions 24h: --/--
24h Low / 24h High: --/--
7d Low / 7d High: --/--
All-Time High: --/--
All-Time Low: --/--
Changes for 24h: 0.00%
Changes for 7d: 0.00%
BitQuery Check: --/--

Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN) Coin data

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What is Ethereum?

Ethereum ERC-20 is a technical standard used for creating and issuing tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. It defines a set of rules, including how tokens are transferred, approved, and tracked. Most tokens on Ethereum, such as stablecoins and utility tokens, follow this standard, enabling interoperability across various wallets and decentralized applications (dApps). ERC-20 tokens have played a crucial role in the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi) and initial coin offerings (ICOs).

Smart Contract Audit

Is Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN) Token on Ethereum (ERC-20) Safe?



Address Tokens amount Percent
1 0xa0925c50ef47548c689d33aa9f0d761e42b445fe 44,552,180 RAVEN 4.46%
2 0x19879debeb2c35c630a22d88d89debb12d37c915 28,666,182 RAVEN 2.87%
3 0x4d15e9801683f9867b79576a2dd86476c4ef3239 25,502,926 RAVEN 2.55%
4 0x9c7793a009e9534b064acb581b5f5d7712bee353 20,450,922 RAVEN 2.05%
5 0x35eb3e3d5d451934208a490c6c56608d5acc7110 20,000,000 RAVEN 2.00%
6 0x872b5047e65a2c68786201ae534c93b59d9f69bb 19,619,100 RAVEN 1.96%
7 0x76db926b75e225af64b954c95fef653926ea7965 19,618,325 RAVEN 1.96%
8 0x4aa9383d92f3d57000b4254daa1fcfb415aca505 19,616,924 RAVEN 1.96%
9 0xbf19d4ea673c33b9e464f1e373668d78a0d17e26 19,616,827 RAVEN 1.96%
10 0xf833c3c50a9bd17b2062a988055918e5403cd520 19,614,680 RAVEN 1.96%
11 0xd68ce6a671789b4c358b0dc3088359566a0deedb 19,613,438 RAVEN 1.96%
12 0xe1deb455fe306b1c0f8e4f3d39e566f54af87aa9 19,612,190 RAVEN 1.96%
13 0x35895e21bc99b6696f8817c5c8c99542535e7806 19,612,039 RAVEN 1.96%
14 0x0584bf8dd0fcceb831b523bfefe9d8e72396a17d 19,611,689 RAVEN 1.96%
15 0x27095c8234158d8133dedb7737a6273d671330bc 19,611,103 RAVEN 1.96%
16 0xfa2c555021d1c3811ae330ad60022133bac1a3c7 19,610,808 RAVEN 1.96%
17 0x778dbc6eed2b03dc6951c7d5beb166ab79f91bd3 19,610,205 RAVEN 1.96%
18 0xb4aaa69dc54d11605e7c5ac835038447ae1decc7 19,609,327 RAVEN 1.96%
19 0x978cced569d90592caf206718695d299d76138ec 19,607,975 RAVEN 1.96%
20 0x20d271527ec9286761ff8623960cca55776a8f3a 19,607,808 RAVEN 1.96%

Listings and exchanges

Exchange Last price Listing date
ParaSwap Ethereum logo  ParaSwap Ethereum -- Jan-04-2025 08:10 GMT
Uniswap (V2) logo  Uniswap (V2) -- Jan-04-2025 08:10 GMT
Uniswap (V3) logo  Uniswap (V3) -- Jan-04-2025 08:10 GMT
Saddle logo  Saddle -- Jan-04-2025 08:10 GMT
Pionex logo  Pionex -- Jan-04-2025 08:10 GMT

Frequently asked questions

A single Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN) coin is currently available for purchase at around (updating).

The best way to purchase Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN) is through exchanges. Currently, 10 exchanges support buying and selling Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN): ParaSwap Ethereum, Uniswap (V2), Uniswap (V3), Saddle, Pionex.

Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN)'s official smart contract address is 0xc2a3033495e724f95071816001bb25b31f6c7aa1

The market capitalization on Jan 04, 2025 is (updating).

There is (updating) in 1 Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN) liquidity pool. That's approximately 78.07% of Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN) current Market Cap.

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Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN) price

Here’s the latest Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN) price and other essential data about this cryptocurrency. At TheBitBorn.Com, we gather and offer valuable content, including the current exchange rate of 1 Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN) to USD, to help you make informed investment decisions and achieve positive results.

Everything You Need to Know About Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN)'s Price and Future Potential

Thanks to TheBitBorn.Com, you'll always be in the loop with the latest news. First off, you can easily check the current Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN) price, updated in real-time because we know how crucial it is to have the latest info at your fingertips. You can also dive into key metrics like market cap, which reflects the total value of all coins sold, the low/high value that shows the price range across exchanges, and volume, which captures the total daily trading value. With all this data, you'll never have to wonder, "What's Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN) worth?"—we've got it all covered for you!

If you're into Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN)'s price chart, we've got that too—just pick the timeframe (from a day to the maximum available) and get a complete overview of its price movements over that period. Plus, TheBitBorn.Com keeps you updated with the latest news on Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN)'s current rate, potential changes, future forecasts, and growth prospects. With us, you'll stay ahead of the curve in the Raven the chimpanzee (RAVEN) market!