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ProtoKOLs (KOL) on Ethereum ERC-20

Contract: 0xd888a5460fffa4b14340dd9fe2710cbabd520659

ProtoKOLs (KOL) is a cryptocurrency, deployed on Ethereum Blockchain (ERC-20)

Token Ethereum ERC-20
Deployed at

Nov-27-2024 00:30

Max Total Supply

10,000,000 KOL

Circulating Supply

10,000,000 KOL



Price and Market Stats

KOL Liquidity: --/--
KOL Price: --/--
Market Cap: --/--
Trading Volume 24h: --/--
Volume / Market Cap: --/--
Transactions 24h: --/--
24h Low / 24h High: --/--
7d Low / 7d High: --/--
All-Time High: --/--
All-Time Low: --/--
Changes for 24h: 0.00%
Changes for 7d: 0.00%
BitQuery Check: --/--

ProtoKOLs (KOL) Coin data

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What is Ethereum?

Ethereum ERC-20 is a technical standard used for creating and issuing tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. It defines a set of rules, including how tokens are transferred, approved, and tracked. Most tokens on Ethereum, such as stablecoins and utility tokens, follow this standard, enabling interoperability across various wallets and decentralized applications (dApps). ERC-20 tokens have played a crucial role in the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi) and initial coin offerings (ICOs).

Smart Contract Audit

Is ProtoKOLs (KOL) Token on Ethereum (ERC-20) Safe?



Address Tokens amount Percent
1 0x6a5c5663f50933ef74f2224da75d6161ea211ca5 1,500,000 KOL 15.00%
2 0x52fa5d5a2e638d895c435a7d474c223e8d4e3226 1,350,000 KOL 13.50%
3 0x9deabf7815b42bf4e9a03eec35a486ff74ee7459 739,079 KOL 7.39%
4 0x09416c9061cd02b36739381bea015327e0b44de6 597,375 KOL 5.97%
5 0x949401e1576a749e29796438dea43880eaa88150 500,000 KOL 5.00%
6 0x168fb9ffceaf175a4279c809b139459c4c4b70f5 130,803 KOL 1.31%
7 0xe0de83b3c1bbc94bf1840ac1d799f59ce19e893a 115,000 KOL 1.15%
8 0xe0737ef0dc757f20ee1ff75f502d067398223ef6 90,001 KOL 0.90%
9 0x4a2d5176a04b19efa63810b2772e6b3032e2aa44 90,000 KOL 0.90%
10 0x18d286fa5ba54dd6180156978c11722fa2451613 82,343 KOL 0.82%
11 0x7866f1a22d1d923e9f9fab893ca4f1f53e00f308 77,472 KOL 0.77%
12 0xcbedd580e808233703afb81506cf15a68ca3b786 67,504 KOL 0.68%
13 0x559df50475206e6d3d010122588fafde51ee4488 53,352 KOL 0.53%
14 0x59cfdba557e39a70913bae429a713b5e04dcc3e6 51,971 KOL 0.52%
15 0x08f5d22ad144eaccc3340c4fc82f8dd182bbbba6 51,604 KOL 0.52%
16 0x520bec061113167c59b1b7b87ced17db0df69907 51,536 KOL 0.52%
17 0xb4318015cc38db39924e23255cd71618f6f7dcc1 50,169 KOL 0.50%
18 0x974b237e677e51266588dbf087b96b044f4eeeaa 50,086 KOL 0.50%
19 0xdbd34a405021851c50ecc168156f658dfc767188 50,000 KOL 0.50%
20 0x42fd80510b9c9fbb20e6060db1e5587590d4116a 50,000 KOL 0.50%

Listings and exchanges

Exchange Last price Listing date
ParaSwap Ethereum logo  ParaSwap Ethereum -- Jan-10-2025 06:13 GMT
Uniswap (V2) logo  Uniswap (V2) -- Jan-10-2025 06:13 GMT
Uniswap (V3) logo  Uniswap (V3) -- Jan-10-2025 06:13 GMT
Saddle logo  Saddle -- Jan-10-2025 06:13 GMT
Pionex logo  Pionex -- Jan-10-2025 06:13 GMT

Frequently asked questions

A single ProtoKOLs (KOL) coin is currently available for purchase at around (updating).

The best way to purchase ProtoKOLs (KOL) is through exchanges. Currently, 10 exchanges support buying and selling ProtoKOLs (KOL): ParaSwap Ethereum, Uniswap (V2), Uniswap (V3), Saddle, Pionex.

ProtoKOLs (KOL)'s official smart contract address is 0xd888a5460fffa4b14340dd9fe2710cbabd520659

The market capitalization on Jan 10, 2025 is (updating).

There is (updating) in 1 ProtoKOLs (KOL) liquidity pool. That's approximately 78.07% of ProtoKOLs (KOL) current Market Cap.

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ProtoKOLs (KOL) price

Here’s the latest ProtoKOLs (KOL) price and other essential data about this cryptocurrency. At TheBitBorn.Com, we gather and offer valuable content, including the current exchange rate of 1 ProtoKOLs (KOL) to USD, to help you make informed investment decisions and achieve positive results.

Everything You Need to Know About ProtoKOLs (KOL)'s Price and Future Potential

Thanks to TheBitBorn.Com, you'll always be in the loop with the latest news. First off, you can easily check the current ProtoKOLs (KOL) price, updated in real-time because we know how crucial it is to have the latest info at your fingertips. You can also dive into key metrics like market cap, which reflects the total value of all coins sold, the low/high value that shows the price range across exchanges, and volume, which captures the total daily trading value. With all this data, you'll never have to wonder, "What's ProtoKOLs (KOL) worth?"—we've got it all covered for you!

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